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1939年4月10日 出生于江苏常熟

1956 -1962年 清华大学工程力学系固体力学专业学习,本科毕业

1962-1966年 清华大学工程力学系固体力学专业研究生,研究生毕业

1967年至今 清华大学教师

1978-1988年 清华大学工程力学系讲师

1984-1986年 联邦德国洪堡基金会资助,德国波鸿鲁尔大学访问学者

1986年 在德国波鸿鲁尔大学土木工程系获工学博士(Dr.-Ing.)学位

1988-1989年 清华大学工程力学系副教授

1989年 晋升清华大学工程力学系教授

1993-1999年 任固体力学教研组主任

1999-2002年 任固体力学研究所所长

2003年10月 退休回聘至今







1. Yao ZH. (2009). A new time domain boundary integral equation and efficient time domain boundary element scheme of elastodynamics. CMES – Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 50(1): 21-45.

2. Yao ZH, Xu JD, Zheng XP. (2009). Simulation of CNT composites using fast multipole BEM. Journal of Marine Science and Technology – Taiwan, 17(3): 194-202.

3. Yao ZH, Gao LF. (2009). A chain approach of boundary element row-subdomains for simulating the failure processes in heterogeneous brittle materials. CMC – Computers Materials & Continua, 9(1): 1-24.

4. Wang HT, Yao ZH. (2008). A rigid-fiber-based boundary element model for strength simulation of carbon nanotube reinforced composites. CMES – Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 29(1): 1-13.

5. Wang HT, Hall G, Yu SY. Yao ZH. (2008). Numerica simulation of graphite properties using X-ray tomography and fast multipole boundary element method. CMES – Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 37(2): 153-174.

6. Qian XQ, Cao YP, Zhang JY, Raabe D, Yao ZH, Fei BJ. (2008). An inverse approach to determine the mechanical properties of elastoplastic materials using indentation tests. CMC – Computers Materials & Continua, 7(1): 33-41.

7. Wang PB, Yao ZH. (2007). Fast multipole boundary element analysis of two-dimensional elastoplastic problems. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 23(10): 889-903.

8. Wang HT, Lei T, Li J, Huang JF, Yao ZH. (2007). A parallel fast multipole accelerated integral equation scheme for 3D Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 70(7): 812-839.

9. Wang FJ, Wang LP, Cheng JG, Yao ZH. (2007). Contact force algorithm in explicit transient analysis using finite-element method. Finite Eements in Analysis and Design, 43(6-7): 580-587.

10. Zhang X, Yao ZH, Zhang ZF. (2006). Application of MLPG in large deformation analysis. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 22(4): 331-340.

11. Yao ZH, Wang PB, Lei T, Wang HT. (2006). Large-scale boundary element analysis in solid mechanics using fast multipole method. In Yao ZH, Yuan MW, Chen YQ eds. Computational Methods in Engineering & Sciences,Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, pp. 19-34.

12. Wang PB, Yao ZH, Lei T. (2006). Analysis of solids with numerous microcracks using the fast multipole DBEM. CMC – Computers Materials & Continua, 3(2): 65-75.

13. Wang PB, Yao ZH. (2006). Fast multipole DBEM analysis of fatigue crack growth. Computational Mechanics, 38(3): 223-233.

14. Lei T, Yao ZH, Wang HT, Wang PB. (2006). A parallel fat multipole BEM and its applications to large-scale analysis of 3-D fiber-reinforced composites. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 22(3): 225-232.

15. Gao LF, Zheng XP, Yao ZH. (2006). Numerical simulation of elastic behaviour and failure processes in heterogeneous material. CMC – Computers Materials & Continua, 3(1): 25-36.

16. Wang HT, Yao ZH, Wang PB. (2005). On the preconditioners for fast multipole boundary element methods for 2D multi-domain elastostatics. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 29(7): 673-688.

17. Wang HT, Yao ZH. (2005). A new fast multipole boundary element method for large scale analysis of mechanical properties in 3D particle-reinforced composites. CMES – Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 7(1): 85-95.

18. Guo R, Shi HJ, Yao ZH. (2005). Numerical simulation of thermo-mechanical fatigue properties for particulate reinforced composites. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 21(2): 160-168.

19. Qian XQ, Yao ZH, Cao YP, Lu H. (2005). An inverse approach to construct residual stresses existing in axisymmetric strucutures using BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 29(11): 986-999.

20. Kong FZ, Zheng XP, Yao ZH. (2005). Numerical simulation of 2D fiber-reinforced composites using boundary element method. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics – English Edition, 26(11): 1515-1522.

21. Cao YP, Qian XQ, Lu J, Yao ZH. (2005). An energy-based method to extract plastic propeties of metal materials from conical indentation tests. Journal of materials research, 20(5): 1194-1206.

22. Zhang JM, Yao ZH. (2004). The regular hybrid boundary node method for three-dimensional linear elasticity. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 28(5): 525-534.

23. Yao ZH, Kong FZ, Wang HT, Wang PB. (2004). 2D simulation of composite materials using BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 28(8): 927-935.

24. Wang HT, Yao ZH, Cen S. (2004). A meshless singular hybrid boundary node method for 2-D elastostatics. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 27(4): 481-490.

25. Wang HT, Yao ZH. (2004). Application of a new fast multipole BEM for simulation of 2D elastic solid with large number of inclusions. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 20(6): 613-622.

26. Qian XQ, Yao ZH, Cao YP, Lu J. (2004). An inverse approach for constructing residual stress using BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 28(3): 205-211.

27. Cao YP, Hu N, Lu J, Fukunage H, Yao ZH. (2004). A new scheme for designing the penalty factor in 3-D penalty-equilibrating mixed elements. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 20(6): 455-464.


校内:1990年代中期曾任一届清华大学研究生培养工作委员会副主任、一届清华大学学术委员会委员; 1992-2004年任清华大学工程力学系学术委员会主任;1999- 2004年任清华大学机械工程学院教育工作委员会主任;1992年至2010年任清华大学学报(自然科学版)编委。

国内:1995-2006年任中国力学学会理事、常务理事, 两届教育工作委员会主任,计算力学专业委员会委员和副主任;2007年至今仍担任计算力学专业委员会副主任;1992-2007年曾任中国振动工程学会理事、两届常务理事,并担任结构动力学专业委员会委员至今;1989年起在北京力学会历任秘书长、副理事长兼秘书长和理事长,2009年当选连任理事长;曾任力学学报中英文版和力学进展常务编委、固体力学学报、应用力学学报、强度与环境、振动与冲击编委。现仍担任力学进展常务编委,力学学报中文版、应用力学学报、强度与环境编委,并于2009年聘任振动与冲击编委会副主任。

国际:为国际计算力学协会IACM会员,2004年曾担任该协会第6届世界计算力学大会WCCMVI的秘书长;2007年开始担任国际华人计算力学协会秘书长。2000-2007年担任国际期刊《Computational Mechanics》编委;2002年 至今担任《Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements》编委;2003年至今担任《Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design》编委; 2003-2007年曾任《Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences》副主编,现仍为编委;2004-2007年曾任《Computer, Materials and Continua》副主编;2009年开始担任《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》的十名地区Editor之一。

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