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1. 新型拓扑绝缘体材料的探索和合成

2. 新型层状低维材料的合成和奇异量子效应

3. qplus型极高分辨非接触AFM、应力调控STM、低温强磁场STM技术的研发。



1. 中科院三期重要方向性项目:“人造小系统中的新奇量子现象、规律和器件应用”(2006-2010)。

2. 基金委面上项目:“Al/Si二维电子体系的若干物性研究”(2009-2011)。

3. 基金委面上项目:“拓扑绝缘体的表面态调控及输运性质研究”(2010-2013)。

4. 科学院方向性项目子课题:“高质量拓扑绝缘体样品制备和新效应探索”(2011-2014)。

5. 科技部重大科学研究计划(973)子课题:“新一代高真空扫描探针显微技术及光谱技术的研究”(2007.12-2011.11)。

6. 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目子课题:“低维小系统的受控生长研究”(2006.12-2010.11)。

7. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:“并五苯与固体表面的作用”(2006.1-2008.12)。

8. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目:“硅烯的基础物理研究”,2013。

9. 973课题:“拓扑有序态及新奇量子效应研究”,2012。



(1) 在三维拓扑绝缘体材料的制备和输运性质调控方面进行了开创性的工作,包括最先采用MBE方法获得Bi2Se3类拓扑绝缘体单晶薄膜;发明了采用高介电常数的钛酸锶(STO)衬底生长拓扑绝缘体薄膜的方法;最先在输运方面利用电场调控拓扑绝缘体的输运性质,并报道拓扑绝缘体中的输运的反弱局域效应;利用拟合α因子来鉴别拓扑输运性质的方法。


(3) 自主设计制作国产超高真空低温STM/STS系统,研发了一系列自有技术和设备。目前,研发的国产超高真空低温(4K)STM/STS已经产品化上市,填补了国内在高端STM产品上的空白。


1. 一种基于纳米加工技术的集成微四点探针芯片制作方法 何杰辉; 吴克辉; 罗强; 顾长志; 郭建东 中国科学院物理研究所 【中国专利】中国科学院物理研究所 2010-06-16





72. Ordered and Reversible Hydrogenation of Silicene. Jinglan Qiu, Huixia Fu, Yang Xu, A. I. Oreshkin, Tingna Shao, Hui Li, Sheng Meng, Lan Chen and Kehui Wu.  Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press, 2015).


71.Proximity effect between a topological insulator and a magnetic insulator with large.perpendicular anisotropy. Wenmin Yang, Shuo Yang, Qinghua Zhang, Yang Xu, Shipeng Shen, Jian Liao, Jing Teng, Cewen Nan, Lin Gu,Young Sun, Kehui Wu, and Yongqing Li. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 092411(2014).

70. Tuning the Band Gap in Silicene by Oxidation.Yi Du, Jincheng Zhuang, Hongsheng Liu, Xun Xu, Stefan Eilers, Kehui Wu, Peng Cheng, Jijun Zhao, Xiaodong Pi, Khay Wai See, Germanas Peleckis, Xiaolin Wang, and Shi Xue Dou.ACS Nano 8, 10019(2014).

69. Effective mass of a two-dimensional √3 × √3 Ga single atomic layer on Si(111).M. Schnedler, Y. Jiang, K.H. Wu, E.G. Wang, R.E. Dunin-Borkowski, Ph. Ebert. Surface Science 630, 225(2014).

68. Growth of Atomically Flat Ultra-Thin Ag Films on Si(111) by Introducing a √3 × √3-Ga Buffer Layer.He Jie-Hui, Jiang Li-Qun, Qiu Jing-Lan, Chen Lan and Wu Ke-Hui. Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 128103(2014).

67. Observation of a Flat Band in Silicene.FENG Ya, FENG Bao-Jie, XIE Zhuo-Jin, LI Wen-Bin, LIU Xu, LIU De-Fa, ZHAO Lin, CHEN Lan, ZHOU Xing-Jiang, WU Ke-Hui. Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 127303(2014).


66. Observation of Dirac Cone Warping and Chirality Effects in Silicene.Baojie Feng, Hui Li, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Tingna Shao, Peng Cheng, Yugui Yao, Sheng Meng, Lan Chen and Kehui Wu.ACS Nano 7, 9049 (2013).

65. d+id' Chiral Superconductivity in Bilayer Silicene.Feng Liu, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Kehui Wu, Fan Yang, Yugui Yao. Physical Review Letters 111, 066804(2013).

64. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Dynamic Phase Transition in Monolayer Silicene.Lan Chen, Hui Li, Baojie Feng, Zijing Ding, Jinglan Qiu, Peng Cheng, Kehui Wu and Sheng Meng. Physical Review Letters. 110, 085504 (2013).

63. Parallel field magnetoresistance in topological insulator thin films.C. J. Lin, X. Y. He, J. Liao, X. X. Wang, V. Sacksteder, W. M. Yang, T. Guan, Q. M. Zhang, L. Gu, G. Y. Zhang, C. G. Zeng, X. Dai, K. H. Wu, and Y. Q. Li.Physical Review B 88, 041307 (2013).

62. Observation of a possible superconducting gap in silicene on Ag(111) surface. Lan Chen, Baojie Feng, and Kehui Wu. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 081602 (2013).

61. The reduction and oxidation of Fe2O3(0001) surface investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy.Yuanyuan Tang, Huajun Qin, Kehui Wu, Qinlin Guo, Jiandong Guo. Surf. Sci. 609, 67(2013).

60. Interaction of surface and interface plasmons in extremely thin Al films on Si(111). Huajun Qin, Ying Jiang, Guanhua Zhang, and Kehui Wu. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 081602(2013).


59. Evidence for Dirac Fermions in a Honeycomb Lattice Based on Silicon.Lan Chen, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Baojie Feng, Xiaoyue He, Peng Cheng, Zijing Ding, Sheng Meng, Yugui Yao, and Kehui Wu. Physical Review Letters 109, 056804(2012).

58. Evidence of Silicene in Honeycomb Structures of Silicon on Ag(111).Baojie Feng, Zijing Ding, Sheng Meng, Yugui Yao, Xiaoyue He, Peng Cheng, Lan Chen, and Kehui Wu. Nano Letters 12,3507(2012).

57. Contrast between Surface Plasmon Polariton-Mediated Extraordinary Optical Transmission Behavior in Epitaxial and Polycrystalline Ag Films in the Mid- and Far-Infrared Regimes.Bo-Hong Li, Charlotte E. Sanders, James McIlhargey, Fei Cheng, Changzhi Gu, Guanhua Zhang, Kehui Wu, Jisun Kim, S. Hossein Mousavi, Alexander B. Khanikaev, Yu-Jung Lu, Shangjr Gwo, Gennady Shvets, Chih-Kang Shih, and Xianggang Qiu. Nano Letters 12, 6187(2012).

56. Electronically Nonalloyed State of a Statistical Single Atomic Layer Semiconductor Alloy.Ph. Ebert, S. Landrock, Y. Jiang, K. H. Wu, E. G. Wang, and R. E. Dunin-Borkowski.Nano Letters 12, 5845(2012).

55. Transport properties of topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films in tilted magnetic.fields.Xiuxia Wang, Xiaoyue He, Tong Guan, Jian Liao, Chaojing Lin, Kehui Wu, Yongqing Li and Changgan Zeng. Phyica E 46, 236(2012).

54. Electron transport properties of three-dimensional topological insulators.Yongqing Li, Kehui Wu, Junren Shi, and Xincheng Xie. Front. Phys., 7, 165(2012).

53. Local photocurrent generation in thin films of topological insulator Bi2Se3.C. Kastl, T. Guan, X. Y. He, K.H Wu, Y. Q. Li, and A W. Holleitner. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 251110(2012).

52. Tuning the surface plasmon on Ag(111) by organic molecules.Baojie Feng, Huajun Qin, Jiehui He, Xiaoyue He, Peng Cheng, Lan Chen, and Kehui Wu. J. Appl. Phys. 112, 023302 (2012).

51. Surface electronic structure of polar NiO(111) films.Wang, Shuai; Liu, Shuming; Guo, Jiandong, Wu Kehui and Guo Qinglin.Surf. Sci. 606, 378-382(2012).


50. Surface Structural Evolution in Iron Oxide Thin Films.Mingshan Xue, Shuai Wang, Kehui Wu, Jiandong Guo, and Qinlin Guo .Langmuir 27, 11(2011).

49. Growth of topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films on SrTiO3 with large gate-voltage-tunable chemical potential.G.H. Zhang, H.J. Qin, J. Chen, X.Y. He, Y.Q. Li and K.H. Wu. Adv. Func. Mater. 21, 2351(2011).

48. Tunable surface conductivity in Bi2Se3 revealed in diffusive electron transport.J. Chen, X.Y. He, K.H. Wu, Z.Q. Ji, L. Lu, J.R. Shi, J.H. Smet, and Y.Q. Li. Phys. Rev. B 83, 241304(R)(2011).

47. Evolution of the surface structures on SrTiO3(110) tuned by Ti or Sr concentration.Zhiming Wang, Fang Yang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Yuanyuan Tang, Jiagui Feng, Kehui Wu, Qinlin Guo, and Jiandong Guo. Phys. Rev. B 83, 155453(2011).

46. Atomic structure of Sr-induced reconstructions on the Si(100) surface.Jiehui He, Guanhua Zhang, Jiandong Guo, Qinlin Guo, and Kehui Wu. J. Appl. Phys. 109, 083522(2011).


45. Locally probing the screening potential at a metal-semiconductor interface.Ying Jiang, J. D. Guo, Ph. Ebert, E. G. Wang, and Kehui Wu. Phys. Rev. B 81, 033405(2010).

44. Direct determination of the electron-phonon coupling matrix element in a correlated system.Huajun Qin, Junren Shi, Yanwei Cao, Kehui Wu, Jiandi Zhang, E. W. Plummer, J. Wen, G. D. Gu, and Jiandong Guo. Physical Review Letters 105, 256402(2010).

43. Gate-Voltage Control of Chemical Potential and Weak Anti-localization in Bi2Se3.J. Chen, H. J. Qin, F. Yang, J. Liu, T. Guan, F. M. Qu, G. H. Zhang, J. R. Shi, X. C. Xie, C. L. Yang, K. H. Wu,Y. Q. Li, and L. Lu. Physical Review Letters 105, 176602(2010).

42. A laterally tunable plasmon resonance in supported bi-atomic-layer Ag nanodisks. Huajun Qin, Yi Gao, Jing Teng, Hongxing Xu, Kehui Wu and Shiwu Gao.Nano Letters 10, 2961( 2010).

41. Catalyst-like behavior of Si adatoms in the growth of monolayer Al film on Si(111).Jing Teng, Lixin Zhang, Kehui Wu, Ying Jiang, Jiandong Guo, Qinlin Guo, Philipp Ebert, T. Sakurai and Enge Wang.J. Chem. Phys. 133, 014704(2010).


40. Quintuple-layer epitaxy of thin films of topological insulator Bi2Se3.Guanhua Zhang, Huajun Qin, Jing Teng, Jiandong Guo, Qinlin Guo, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang, and Kehui Wu. Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 053114 (2009).

39. Origin of nanoscale potential fluctuations in two-dimensional semiconductors.S. Landrock, Y. Jiang, K. H. Wu, E. G. Wang, K. Urban, and Ph. Ebert.Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 072107(2009).

38. Tuning the termination of the SrTiO3(110) surface by Ar+ sputtering.Zhiming Wang, Kehui Wu, Qinlin Guo, and Jiandong Guo.Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 021912 (2009).

37. Ordered ultra thin ZnO films on metal substrate.Donghui Guo, Mingshan Xue, Qinlin Guo, Kehui Wu, Jiandong Guo, E.G. Wang.Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 (2009) 9015–9019.

36. Epitaxial growth of ZnO films on thin FeO(111) layers.Xue MS, Guo QL, Wu KH, et al. J. Crystal Growth 311,15, 3918-3923(2009).


35. Scanning-induced structure transformation between self- assembled phases of pentacene on Ag/Si(111).Jing Teng, Kehui Wu, Jiandong Guo, and Enge Wang. Surface Science 602, 358(2008).

34. Low temperature growth of epitaxial pentacene films on the Si(111)-(r3xr3)R30-Ag surface .Jing Teng, Kehui Wu, Jiandogn Guo, and E.G. Wang.Surf. Sci. 602, 3510(2008).

33. Tunable surface band gap in MgxZn1-xO thin films.Xue MS, Guo QL, Wu KH and Guo JD. J. Chem. Phys. 129, 234707(2008).

32. Bi and Au-Induced Reconstructions on GaAs(001)-2×4 Surface. Zhe Tang, Shenyuan Yang, Ying Jiang, Wenxin Wang,Jinfeng Jia, Qikun Xue, Enge Wang and Kehui Wu. Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 25, 2977(2008).

31.Structure versus electron effects in the growth mode of pentacene on metal-induced Si(111)r3xr3-Ag surfaces. Jing Teng, Jiandong Guo, Kehui Wu and E.G. Wang. J. Chem. Phys. 129, 34703(2008).

30. Initial Oxidation and Interfacial Diffusion of Zn on Faceted MgO(111) Films. Mingshan Xue, Qinlin Guo, Kehui Wu, and Jiandong Guo. Langmuir 24, 8760(2008).


29. Importance of quantum size effects in the non-metal to metal transition of two-dimensional Al islands. Ying Jiang, Kehui Wu, Jie Ma, Biao Wu, E. G. Wang, and Ph. Ebert. Physical Review B, 76, 235434(2007).

28. Growing extremely thin bulklike metal film on a semiconductor surface: monolayer Al(111) on Si(111).Ying Jiang, Y.-H. Kim, S. B. Zhang, Philipp Ebert, Shenyuan Yang, Zhe Tang, Kehui Wu, and E. G. Wang. Applied Physics Letters 91, 181902(2007).

27. Temperature and coverage driven condensation of pentacene on the Si(111)r3xr3-Ag surface. Jing Teng, Jiandong Guo, Kehui Wu and Enge Wang. J. Physics Cond. Matt. 19, 356005(2007).

26. Reducing the critical thickness of epitaxial Ag film on the Si(111) substrate by introducing a monolayer Al buffer layer.Zhe Tang, Jing Teng, Ying Jiang, JinFeng Jia, Jiandong Guo, and Kehui Wu. J. Appl. Phys. 102, 053504 (2007).

25. In situ Raman characterization of reversible phase transition in stress-induced amorphous silicon. Kehui Wu, X. Q. Yan, and M. W. Chen.Applied Physics Letters 91, 101903(2007).

24. Quantum size effect induced dilute atomic layers in ultrathin Al films.Ying Jiang, Kehui Wu, Zhe Tang, Ph. Ebert, and E. G. Wang. Physical Review B 76, 035409 (2007).


23. Thickness dependence of the surface plasmon dispersion in ultrathin aluminum films on silicon. Yinghui Yu, Zhe Tang, Ying Jiang, Kehui Wu, and Enge Wang. Surface Science 600(22), 4966( 2006).

22. Temperature dependence of Raman scattering in Si crystals with heavy B and/or Ge doping. Huang XM, Wu KH, Chen MW, et al. Mater. Sci. in Semicond. Proc. 9, 257(2006).

21. The effect of ZrSi2 and SiC doping on the microstructure and Jc–B properties of PIT processed MgB2 tapes. Y. W. Ma, X.P. Zhang, A. X. Xu, X. H. Li, L. Xiao, G. Nishijima, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, Y. L. Jiao, L. Xiao, X. D. Bai, K. H. Wu, and H. H. Wen. Supercond. Sci. Technol. Vol. 19, pp133–137 (2006).


20. Structural transition of pentacene monolayer on Ga bilayer: From brick-wall structure to herringbone pattern of molecular dimmers. J. Z. Wang, K. H. Wu, W. S. Yang, X. J. Wang, J. T. Sadowski, Y. Fujikawa, and T. Sakurai. Surface Science 579, 80(2005).

19. Reaction at the interface between Si melt and a Ba-doped silica crucible. X. M. Huang, S. J. Koh, K. H. Wu, M. W. Chen, T. Hoshikawa, K. Hoshikawa, and S. Uda. J. Cryst. Growth 277, 154(2005).

18. Thickness dependence of surface plasmon damping and dispersion in ultrathin Ag films. Y. H. Yu, Y. Jiang, Z. Tang, Q. L. Guo, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, K. H. Wu, and E. G. Wang.  Physical Review B 72, 205405(2005).

17. Alkali metals adsorption on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface. Kehui Wu, Y. Fujikawa, Y. Takamua, and T. Sakurai. Chin. J. Phys. 43, 197(2005).

16. Unusual diffusivity and clustering of alkali metals on the Si(111)-7x7 surface. Kehui Wu. Sci. Techno. Adv. Mater. Vol. 6, pp789-194(2005).

15. Dynamics and nano-clustering of alkali metals (Na, K) on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface. Kehui Wu, Y. Fujikawa, T. Briere, V. Kumar, Y. Kawazoe, and T. Sakurai. Ultramicroscopy 105, 32(2005). Journal Cover Page.

14. Step-by-step cooling of a two-dimensional Na gas on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface. Kehui Wu, A. I. Oreshkin, Y. Takamura, Y. Fujikawa, T. Nagao, T.Briere, V. Kumar, Y. Kawazoe, R. F. Dou, Q. K. Xue and T. Sakurai.  Physical Review B Vol 70, 195417(2004).

13. Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of III-nitride thin film heteroepitaxial growth.  R. Z. Bakhtizin, Q. Z. Xue, Q. K. Xue, K. H. Wu and T. Sakurai.  Physics Uspekhi Vol. 47, No. 4, 371 (2004).

12. Na adsorption on the Si(111)-(7x7): From two dimensional gas to nanocluster Array. Kehui Wu, Y. Fujikawa, T. Nagao, Y. Hasegawa, K.S. Nakayama, Q. K. Xue, E. G. Wang, S. B. Zhang, T. Briere, V. Kumar, Y. Kawazoe, and T. Sakurai.  Physical Review Letters. Vol. 91, No. 12, 126101(2003).

11. Layer-by-layer growth of Ag on GaN(0001) surface. Kehui Wu, Q. Z. Xue, R. Z. Bakhtizin, Y. Fujikawa, X. Li, T. Nagao, Q. K. Xue and T. Sakurai. Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 82, No. 9, 1389 (2003).

10. STM study of Ag film initial stages growth on a GaN(0001) surface grown by MBE. R. Z. Bakhtizin, K. H. Wu, Q. Z. Xue, Q. K. Xue, T. Nagao, and T. Sakurai. Phys. Low-Dimensional Structures Vol. 3-4, 21 (2003).

9. Tunneling Conductivity Features of the New Reconstructed Phases on the GaN(0001) Surface.  N. S. Maslova, V. I. Panov, K. H. Wu, Q. Z. Xue, T. Nagao, and A. I. Oreshkin.  JETP Letters Vol. 78, No. 9, 578(2003).

8. Bistable characteristic and current jumps in field electron emission of nanocrystalline diamond films. Kehui Wu, X. R. Wang, S. Liu, E. G. Wang.  J. Applied Physics Vol. 90, No. 9, 4810 (2001).

7. Microstructure and its effect on field electron emission of grain-size-controlled nanocrystalline diamond films. Kehui Wu, E. G. Wang, Z. X. Cao, Z. L. Wang, X. Jiang.  J. Applied Physics Vol. 88, No. 5, 2967 (2000).[PDF]

6. Investigations of Fuch-Kliewer phonons and hydrogen adsorption of 6H-SiC surfaces by high-resolution electron-energy-loss spectroscopy. J.W. Liu, F.Q. Xie, Q.Z. Zhang, K.H. Wu, X.C. Ma, E.G. Wang, and W.X. Liu. Thin Solid Films Vol. 375, no. 1, 77(2000).

5. Study of field electron emission from nanocrystalline diamond thin films grown from a N2/CH4 microwave plasma. N.S. Xu, J. Chen, S. Z. Deng, K. H. Wu and E. G. Wang. J. Physics D Vol. 33, no. 13, 1572(2000).

4. Nitrogen-incorporated distorted nanocrystalline diamond films: structure and field emission properties. Kehui Wu, E.G.Wang, J.Chen and N.S.Xu.  J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B Vol. 17, No. 3, 1059 (1999).

3. Observation of a new type of field-induced electron emission from a diamond-based heterostructures. J. Chen, S.Z.Deng, N.S.Xu, K. H. Wu and E.G.Wang. Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 75, No. 9, 1323 (1999).

2. Electron resonance cyclotron resonance assist growth of carbon nitrogen films on diamond. Kehui Wu, E. G. Wang, Jian Qing, Guichang Xu. J. Applied Physics Vol. 83, No. 3, 1072 (1998).

1. Highly oriented diamond film growth by atomic force microscopy. J.L.Li, Ge Meng, K. H. Wu and E.G.Wang. Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 15, 822 (1998).


1. 2004年入选第二批引进国外杰出人才。

2. 2004年获日本文部省“海外派遣研究员”特别奖。

3. 2004年入选中国科学院“百人计划”。

4. 2009年获北京市科技奖一等奖。

5. 2011年中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(突出贡献者)。


1、2014. 4 俄罗斯莫斯科大学的Andrey Oreshkin教授来我们研究组进行为期三个月的访问交流。

2、2013.6 吴克辉研究员受邀参加第三届国际硅烯会议并作特邀报告

3、2013.3 吴克辉参加美国物理学会春季年会并作口头报告。

4、2012.9月 吴克辉研究员受邀在中国物理学会秋季会议(广州)、第13届全国STM会议(西安)并作邀请报告。


1、2013.3 Nature China 报道在硅烯方面的研究突破。

2、2013.3 物理所和中国科学院网站报道在硅烯的电子性质方面的研究进展。

3、2012.8月 《科学网》报道在硅烯研究方面的突破。

4、2012.8月 中科院网站报道在硅烯研究方面的进展。


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